Medler Publications
Medler 2023. Graham Hoyle (1923 - 1985): exploring the depths of muscle diversity. Advances in Physiology Education 47: 893 - 903.
Medler 2022. Effects of local anesthetics on compound action potential generated from the frog sciatic nerve. Advances in Physiology Education 46: 658-666.
Medler 2022. Creatine and the Case of the Aging Athlete. National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science (NCCSTS)
Yang et al. 2021. Hemolymph supply to locomotor muscles of the ghost crab, Ocypode quadrata. Journal of Experimental Biology 224: 1-8.
Ewing, M.D. and Medler, S. (2020). Differential effects of local anesthetics on nerve responses of crayfish stretch receptor organs. Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education 18(2): A121-A128.
Larson et al. 2019. Transitional hybrid skeletal muscle fibers in the development of the rat soleus. J. Histochem Cytochem 67: 891 – 900.
Medler 2019. Mixing it up: biological significance of hybrid skeletal muscle fibers. Journal of Experimental Biology 222: 1 – 15.
Medler 2019. Anesthetic MS 222 eliminates nerve and muscle activity in frogs used for physiology teaching lab. Advances in Physiology Education 43: 69 – 75.
Medler and Mykles 2015. Muscle Structure, Fiber Types, and Physiology. Chapter 4 in: The Natural History of Crustaceans.ES Chang and M Thiel, Ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Mykles and Medler 2015. Muscle Plasticity. Chapter 5 in: The Natural History of Crustaceans.ES Chang and M Thiel, Ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Whittemore et al. 2015. Stride frequency in relation to allometric growth in ghost crabs (Ocypode quadrata). J. Zool. 296: 286-294.
DeNies et al. 2014. Diet induced obesity alters skeletal muscle fiber types of male but not female mice. Physiological Reports 2: e00204.
Brummer et al. 2013. Hybrid fibers transform into distinct fiber types in maturing mouse muscles. Cells Tissues and Organs 198: 227-236.
Medler and Harrington 2013. Measuring dynamic kidney function in an undergraduate physiology laboratory. Advances in Physiology Education 37: 384-391.
Zhang et al. 2010. The continuum of IIX/IIB hybrid fibers in normal mouse muscles: relative proportions and distribution of isoforms. American Journal of Physiology Regulatory Integrative Comp Physiol 299: R1582-R1591.
Glaser et al. 2010. Relative proportions of hybrid fibers are unaffected by 6 weeks of running exercise in mouse skeletal muscles. Experimental Physiology 95: 211-221.
MacLea et al. 2010. Myostatin from the American lobster, Homarus americanus: cloning and effects of molting on expression in skeletal muscles. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 157A: 328-337.
Perry et al. 2009. Skeletal muscle fiber types in the ghost crab, Ocypode quadrata: implications for running performance. Journal of Experimental Biology 212: 673-683.
Medler and Hulme 2009. Power output from striated muscles performing cyclical contractions: patterns and constraints. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 152A: 407-417.
Medler et al. 2007. Myofibrillar gene expression in differentiating lobster claw muscles. Journal of Experimental Zoology 307A: 281-295.
Medler et al. 2007. Muscle-specific calpain is localized in regions near motor endplates in differentiating lobster claw muscles.Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology – A 148: 591 - 598.
Medler et al. 2005. Eye-stalk ablation has little effect on actin and myosin heavy chain expression in adult lobster skeletal muscles. Biological Bulletin 208: 127 – 137.
Medler et al. 2004. Fiber polymorphism in lobster skeletal muscles: continuum between slow phasic (S1) and slow tonic (S2) muscle fibers. Journal of Experimental Biology 207: 2755-2767
Koenders et al. 2004. Two fast-type fibres in the claw closer and abdominal deep muscles of the Australian freshwater crustacean, Cherax destructor, differ in Ca2+-sensitivity and troponin I isoforms. Journal of Experimental Zoology 301A: 588-598.
Medler and Mykles 2003. Analysis of myofibrillar proteins and transcripts in skeletal muscles of the American lobster, Homarus americanus: variable expression of myosins, actin, and troponins in fast, slow-twitch, and slow-tonic fibres. Journal of Experimental Biology 206: 3557-3567.
Medler 2002. Comparative trends in shortening velocity and force production in skeletal muscles. American Journal of Physiology Regulatory Integrative Comp Physiol 283: R368-R378
Mykles et al. 2002. Myofibrillar protein isoform expression is correlated with synaptic efficacy in slow fibres of the claw and leg opener muscles of crayfish and lobster. Journal of Experimental Biology 205: 513-522.
Medler and Silverman 2001. Muscular alteration of gill geometry in vitro: implications for bivalve pumping processes. Biological Bulletin 200: 77-86
Medler et al. 1999. Ionic effects on intrinsic gill muscles in the freshwater bivalve, Dreissena polymorpha. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 112A: 163-172.
Medler and Silverman 1998. Extracellular matrix and muscle fibers in the gills of freshwater bivalves. Invertebrate Biology 117: 288-298.
Medler and Silverman 1997. Functional organization of integral gill muscles in Dreissena polymorpha (Mollusca: Bivalvia) and response to transmitters in vitro. Invertebrate Biology 116: 200-212.
Medler 1995. Physiological time and the measurement of glomerular filtration rate. Journal of Theoretical Biology 176: 59-65.
Medler and Beuchat 1991. American Zoologist Meeting Abstract.